Still Photos and Noisy Arcades
Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:11 AM
Okay, shall update since ONS's been asking me to do so!
Anyway, I've been going out for these few days so much so that I can barely remember what's happening as the days go by. Oh I do remember one thing.
Pretty pretty polaroids in Africa!
Must go back one day. Anyway. Stuff have been happening lately. Pleasant and not-so pleasant ones but I shan't elaborate because I can't really be bothered to.
I think I've been bad mooding these few days so thanks to everyone who tolerated me. D;
Yup and I've had countless inner bitchzxxzxzxzxzxzxz sessions throughout this past week.
Been surppressing all the rants that's been raging in my head for quite a long time now.
The same thing keeps irritating me over and over again.
And you know what. Maybe I should just type it out in black and white here.
So what if I'm open about whether or not I agree to pre-marital sex or maybe just sex in general. It does not mean that I'm a slut and I'm willing to I don't know, fuck some random guy on the street. I mean I'm pretty sure most people are pretty NC17 themselves at my age, so why pick on me? Is it because I'm willing to spout some dirty joke sometimes at the expense of myself? I have my limits too and I don't think it's very often that I hit it. So shut up about the fucking annoying sexual innuendos and whatever shit because I've had enough of laughing it off like it's some really funny joke. It also does not mean that whatever I own or whatever I think equates to something dirty. I have my own set of moral values ( not as fucking dirty as you think ) and you have yours. Respect mine and I'll respect yours.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:11 AM
Because I needed to rant.
Hello, get a backbone and stop doing stuff because everyone's doing it. Fuck the bad mood.