Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:29 AM
Hasn't anybody told you that time flies?
Another year has come and gone. This year has been a real roller coaster ride with laughter, tears and many other emotions in between. Sec 4 has been a really stressful year, in a way. Who would have thought that mid years, prelims and finally the big Os will pass by in such a blur. Of course who can forget Cloupe? Study sessions, shopping trips, stress relief at sentosa, karaoke sessions, guitarheroes/rockband at Cel's house and much much more. ( Not to forget the I'm Gifted program ). This year wouldn't have been fun without you guys :D. Hahahaha thanks for putting up with my weird nonsense and incessant whinings! Special thanks to ONS ( WX ), UHB ( Sophie ) and XL for making the holidays more interesting! ( and Celine for her house + gossip sessions! ).
Anyway, this year has been a blast overall, best of luck to everyone next year!
Thursday, December 25, 2008 2:01 PM
It's Christmas Again.
Merry christmas everyone!
Hahahaha I've already got the next post planned.
Watch out for it :D
Lol and I realised I hardly/never ever reply tags. Oops. Will possibly start replying tags from my next post onwards. Anyway, enjoy today! :D
Monday, December 22, 2008 7:04 AM
New Template
Finally done editing my blog template. ( Took me an hour, my first time :D )
Photo and word editing credits goes to yours truly.
Rest of the credits goes to the original blog skin creator (?).
Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:19 AM
My 50th Post. ( Holga Roll #3 )
Don't want to upload any photos from roll #2 because the film went through xray ( I'm sad ) and didn't turn out too well. So here's roll #3! It's super rushed because I wanted to get rid of the film and take it out of the holga but they turned out fine so yeah :D
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:12 AM
Am blogging now because I have absolutely nothing to do.
Korea was the bombz. Loved it, will go back again if I have the chance to.
Took about 200+ peektures but I forgot to bring the USB cord for my camera so unfortunately, I can't upload any till I get back to singapore D:
11th Dec
Went to the airport at about like 10.30PM. Took a midnight flight to Korea, got there at about 5.30am Korean time. Nothing much to do on the plane D: Relieved my inner child by engaging in some colouring :D
12th Dec
Got on the bus after much shovelling from alot of kiasu hongkeeees. It was freezing cold outside. Like about -3 degrees or so.
It's not like the bus will leave you behind or something. Met the tourguides, Arthur and Glen. Arthur's hair is O.O It's super gelled up. Talked talk and more talk. Fell asleep listening to them. Woke up when they got to the casino. Wanted to secretly enter but I didn't have a ticket D: So I was stuck outside with the little kids in the playstation room D:
Glen's half korean-half hongkeee so he did most of the talking on the bus. Really interesting stuff he talked about. Hmmm yeah stayed in some hotel in the shape of a ship that night. Discovered WARM FLOORS :D There's this giant pair of hands right outside the hotel and if you stand in the middle, you can watch the sun rise and it'll seem like the hands were cupping the sun.
13th Dec
Wanted to go to the giant pair of hands but the morning was really cloudy so by the time the sky cleared the sun was already up D:
Packed up, rushed rushed and breakfast whatever and then we're off again. Went to visit the world's largest hourglass. Peektures then went to see this old american warship. It was really tiny. Then saw this really small north korean submarine next to the ship. Apparently it got washed out onto the beach and when the south korean army came to investigate, they heard 24 gunshots. Which meant that 24 north koreans died. So supposedly the north korean govt said that there were actually 25 people on the ship. What happened to the missing north korean dude/dudette :o?
Went inside the submarine to explore. It was kind of creepy considering 24 people died in there. Everything was all cramped up. Wonder how they slept and all. Everything was rusting and just really old. Took a railway trip down to this tiny tiny korean village (?) before getting on the bus again. This time bused all the way down to the ski resort ( The Hotel Phoenix Park )
14th Dec
SNOWBOARDING! Hahaha it was really fun. I couldn't really balance at first so I was grabbing desperately at Glen. Then after that I tried to move by myself and I moved sideways for some reason o.o So this Korean guy grabbed my hood and just kept me there. I had no idea why he suddenly let go of me but I slid all the way down and hit another Korean guy's butt. Major Oops. Yup anyway tried snowboarding down this really trainee hill for about 2 hours or so before heading up to the beginner's hill. I have no idea why I keep moving sideways. I think the right side of my body is heavier or something. Sigh. So I had to keep purposely falling so that I wouldn't fall off the hill. Very tiring work but made it down in the end. Cleaned up after that and then bused off to Seoul. Reached seoul, went to Dongdaemun for some light shopping. Reached Hotel Riviera after that.
15th Dec
Went to visit this president's place thing. I've no idea what's it called. Cool fountain. Couldn't stand the cold so went to the souvenir shop to bask in the warmth. Apparently the souvenir shop used to be a restaurant where a former president used to go to. He got assasinated there by his bodyguards. Quite scary because some people actually predicted that he was going to die after 15 years of presidency and whazzits based on his name alone. Went to make Kimchi at this heritage place after that. Tried on the Hanbok. Camwhored like duh. Ginseng shopping. LOTTEWORLD AFTER THAT :D Played alot: this 20+ storey high ride where they bring you up then drop you all the way down. SUPER FUN. The Viking Ship, heart attacking. The French Revolution- a 360 loop ride, veryvery fun, I laughed throughout the ride. The rest were.. weird. Yup, watched some laser show at 9.30. Walked past some people filming a Korean drama I think. Anyway, went back to the hotel.
16th Dec
Went for breakfast etcetc. ( I'm really too lazy to elaborate ) Went to shop for er some grass thing which is good for your liver. Amethyst shopping. I don't get what's with people and big gems. They're fugly. Namdaemun and Myungdong after that! SHOPPING GALORE~
Hahahaha walked and walked and walked and walked. Super fun. Hm. Bought alot of stuff.
Went to some provision shop after that then airport. Said bye to Glen and the photographer. Yup end.
Did I mention that the tour photographer is super hot! :D He had double eyelid surgery before though. Not that I mind :D Glen's the gayest guy I know o.o But he's not, I think. He said he has a girlfriend. Hm. I think the tour people think me and my sister are weird. We keep talking in english/chinese. Met alot of Singaporean tourgroups on the way. I seem to only see singaporeans and hongkong tourists in Korea. I think my cantonese actually improved cos I had to talk to people in cantonese. Hongkong people's english is actually quite good ( with the exception of some people ) Korean people surprisingly know how to speak ALOT of languages. Like cantonese and chinese. Oh well. Am really satisfied and happy with this trip overall :D
Peektures next time :D
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:09 AM
I'LL MISS YOU! ( hahahah everyone misses you! ) You'll totally be back before me so you better miss me more! :D:D:D Take many many photos of hot greek guys for me!
Okay, better start blogging about HK since ONS's been telling me to do so.
Just two words to describe it:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 12:49 AM
First roll with my Holga :D

Monday, December 1, 2008 1:29 AM
Best Holiday Ever. ( With the exception of HK )
17th Nov : Prom. ( It's the only date I remember )
uh. Worked at LG. Sleepovers at sophie's and celine's. Manymany shopping trips.
I've no idea what else actually. I seem to see the cloupe alot. Wonder why. Cyling and talking at west coast park. Yay. Oh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLENE MY DEAREST ASS PARTNER! Had a wonderful 2 years of sitting next to you. ( With the exception of me ponning school. You never ever pon D: But anyway, I bet you had a great time bullying me EVERY SINGLE DAY. Bad mood some more and your future bf(s) ( Christien, James ) WILL NOT LIKE YOU ANYMORE! ) Yup. Tadah. Lalala.
There, I updated. :D
P.S: SOPHIE! ( If you're reading this ) I HOPE YOU FIND YOUR WALLET SOON (: