Still Photos and Noisy Arcades
Friday, February 15, 2008 4:21 AM
Happy Birthday Mavis!
hahahah i bet you were so shocked when we gave you your cake and camera and book! ;D
haha omg i had to fake i was a hungry to get you down with me la ;DDDD
yes but i bet you were happy anyway

we're such barbaric cake eaters! haha we didn't have tissue so we had to eat it with what we had. ( chopsticks )
haha that little cake left was for mrs gek!
hahaha school today passed by surprisingly fast!
cts are next week!
better mugmugmug for my hundred bucks!
i wanna watch alot of movies
like juno ps i love you etc etc
ok i'm like in a rush
so byebyebyebyebye(:
Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:32 AM
CNY celebrations was the bombz!
love 4s1 to bits and pieces
have never felt so bonded with any class before!
AND GUESS WHAT! we won cny class deco! ;D
haha after staying back for like two afternoons to do them
went out with some people ( lazy to type names ) to bugis after that
time crisis-ed AGAIN with POOOOO
hahaha we died again laaa
ok then rushed home to pack my stuff to go malaysia
hahaha omg we stayed at this rundown chalet thingy at a FISHING VILLAGE.
at first i thought chalet like those pasir ris kind.
then i saw it and was like wth. am i supposed to survive in that?!
cos the entire village was built on concrete pillars over the sea.
and the pathways were all made of like splintered wood.
you look through can see the water :\
haha settled down and then waited for the tide to come in!
haha and when we first when inside the chalet we saw the toilet
then my cousin was like ' the toilet's glowing!'
then we were like huh serious, then we looked inside.
and the toilet was glowing because it's a freaking hole leading down to the sea -.-
how disgusting can that be
hahaah stayed up really late!
up till about one
late night fishing
the net thing was very fun to operate
non-stop fireworks from 12 to 1am
rich people setting them off like 5 houses away or something.
played with some mini fireworks!
haahaha then the next day we went to some fishing farms to touch this dog shark
and then shopping at jusco!
haha then just came back like 10 minutes ago :\
pictures ( maybe ) another time!