Still Photos and Noisy Arcades
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:56 AM
ew the italics are in
pinktime to change blogskins again-
5:50 AM
ok it's back to posting ;D
caught 2oo pound beauty with ros last ____ .
i forgot which day .
but the movie was
freaking nice .met alot of crescentians inside the theatre
there was like one whole row of them diagonally behind me
the movie's really touching
like during all the sad parts you could actually hear people blowing their noses
ok so i teared but it wasn't so bad eh .
and me and ros smuggled sushis from taka inside :DD
and i spilt soya sauce all over myself ):
but everyone should watch 200 pound beauty !
it's about plastic surgery and it is goooood(: